Photo Gallery
History Gallery (10/15/2012)
Bayshore Seniors' Hall, Official Opening PDF (06/22/2011)
Our Canada Day 2011 Gallery (08/17/2011)
Our Regatta Day 2011 Gallery (08/20/2011)
Note: I'm sure many of you have taken a digital sunset picture. So, I invite you to submit your favorite sunset picture to share with the rest of us. I have created a gallery for all to see and Your picture could spend time at the top of this page.
Please send "Your Best Shot" to and if possible include the date that it was taken and any other comments that may be of interest. Try to have something in the picture that indicates that it is a Woodland Beach sunset (i.e. the mountain skyline).
They're pics I took of the big rock up my way in Dec./09 when we had some extremely high winds. As you can see, the waves came up & over the rock, the temperature plummeted & the entire rock froze. It was a spectacular sight to see, albeit very wild down there while watching it all. We waited until a day or so until it all calmed down before taking the pictures.