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Beach 'E'cology.


Aug. 21, 2014 Did you see her?

Photo & Video by Susie.



Preliminary Review of Coastal Conditions at Woodland Beach (pdf)    Posted Sept 16, 2011


Woodland water samples are collected by volunteers from WBPOA and passed on to FoTTSA for processing with other Tiny Township Beaches.

Woodland Beach Water Sampling Results, 2020 pdf

Woodland Beach Water Sampling Results, 2018 pdf

Woodland Beach Water Sampling Results, 2016

Woodland Beach Water Sampling Results, 2014 pdf


WB1 = off Siesta,   WBS1 = Stream at Tamarac Trail,   WB2 = off Tamarac Trail,

WBS2 = Stream at 2100 TBRS,   WB3 = off 2100 TBRS,   WB4 = off 2172 TBRS.



Nitrate testing was done again this year in August.  Check email for details or contact any W.B.P.O.A. director.  You must pre-register was required to get a test bottle.

No problems were found.

Posted Sept 2011

Water Levels

Restore Our Water International



Garlic mustard has invaded Tiny Township! 

If you don’t already have this invasive plant on your property, you may have it in the near future. Please take the time to check your own property on Woodland Beach. 
Garlic mustard has the ability to disrupt organisms in the soil that are necessary for tree germination and growth. Uncontrolled, it can completely ruin the natural vegetation of forested areas.   
For more information, please read the recent issue of FoTTSA’s  “The Tiny Cottager” (Page 3), or consult FoTTSA’s web-site@ www.tinycottager.org.

To Rake Or Not To Rake...       12/10/2008  

  • In cottage country, raking leaves can be a formidable task, taking hours from our much earned leisure time at our home away from home. Then the problem of disposing of them is next.

    Lucky for us in Tiny Township, we now have leaf & yard waste pick-up. Our first pick-up, in October of 2007 by Simcoe County was helpful, but not sufficient. In 2008, the Township of Tiny took over the job & provided us with three pick-ups during the month of November. Simcoe County will compost the yard waste & sell it back to us at a minimal cost to use in our gardens. We are hoping that the success of this program will lead the Township to agree for one or more Spring pick-ups as well & possibly lead to the Township’s ability to do the leaf composting, instead of the County.

    Fallen leaves provide nutrients for the ground & plants. In fact, rich loam is created by decades of fallen leaves, left to compost into rich soil on the forest floor. Raking leaves into the woods is an excellent choice if you have a spare lot available. There are lots of nutrients in those leaves that can do the most good at the bases of the trees they came from. You can also throw them onto flower beds if you have any, and tuck them away into shrubby areas. Any one who chooses to let their leaves remain on the ground is helping Mother Nature.

    Burning them, besides releasing particulate matter into the air that adds to pollution, is a sad waste of those nutrients, and of the leaves' insulation value. On the ground, they're a winter blanket that protects soil, young plants, seeds, insects, and small animals (who also hide from predators there). If you are unfortunate enough to have a beautiful green lawn then sadly, the leaves must be removed by spring or the lawn will be damaged. But who wants a city-type lawn in cottage country? Aren’t we here to enjoy the “natural” life?

    If you are in a wooded area, with little sand, them earthworms are likely present & will decompose those leaves by the following August. If you are on sand, smaller organisms will break the leaves down eventually, but removing them & composting them elsewhere or leaving them out for pick-up is probably the better choice.


  • Other sites to visit:





        www.wasagabeachpark.com/  for information about what Wasaga is doing about Phragmities.